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The Transformation of Charlotte Poole is in Stores Now!

Read about Charlotte's remarkable and electrical journey with the mad scientist who made her, the inventing genius Adam Damon in THE TRANSFORMATION OF CHARLOTTE POOLE!
A Dying Girl tries Electric Shock Therapy
and it Definitely Cures Her!
But Now She's Got Electrical Superpowers 
that have Made Her a Monster ... !

I only wanted to be cured! That's what I told Adam Damon. Cure me. Save me. I've been sick for years. My doctor told me I'm going to die in a matter of weeks. No one can heal me. Only you ...

His solution was to strap me to his miracle invention: the Damon Machine. Electrodes on my skin pumped hundreds of volts right into my body. Buzzing and zapping like I was filled with wasps.

That cure almost killed me. But I lived through it - and I woke up into the nightmare of what he'd done!

He didn't heal me. He made me into something much, much worse. Lightning in my hands! High velocity electric voltage coursing through my veins. I can kill people with just one touch.

And now I've got to work with the madman who transformed me.

Because if I don't control these dangerous powers, I'll be a menace to society. And if I can control them? Then the world needs me like it's never needed anyone before.

Join me, Charlotte Poole, on my unbelievable journey of transformation from a regular teenage girl into one of the most influential - and powerful - people of the 1880s. It's all here, in the "Charlotte Poole" series.

Praise for The Transformation of Charlotte Poole

"I'm eager to see what Meg North writes next. She's one to watch." 
- Amazon reader

"Absolutely loved this! Grabbed me from page one. Enjoy!! Looking for more by the author today. Such a fun look at this time in history."
- Amazon reader

"I was totally invested in Charlotte's journey and couldn't stop thinking about this book. Looking forward to reading book two!"
- Amazon reader

"Hauntingly beautiful story and extremely well written. Can't wait to read more from this author."
- Amazon reader

Free Sample Chapter

In this chapter, an electrically charged Charlotte Poole is getting closer to Adam Damon, the guy who gave her these amazing powers in the first place! Although, she's definitely not happy with the man who made her a monster ... 

           His right arm went immediately around my shoulders, and he slid his other arm beneath my legs. I was lifted up into his embrace. I was too weak to even shock him slightly, and too drained to enjoy touching another person for the first time in days. I buried my gaunt face in his chest.


            His voice was muffled above me, like he shouted through water while I drowned beneath him. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad way to have my life end. Having his strong protective essence near would be enough. I let my exhaustion overtake me, and I barely regained enough consciousness to feel cool water slip past my lips.

            “Charlotte? Drink this.”

            Adam was gently holding my face upright while he tipped the water glass. One tiny crackle of electric current pinged in my chest. I drank more, and the current sluggishly awakened. Sparking energy began radiating down my limbs.

            “Adam …”

            “I’m here.”

            “The current … It’s there again.”


            Fed on hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the current strengthened inside me. In a matter of minutes, it was strong enough for me to realize I was becoming a danger to him. Just before it climbed to deadly levels, I pulled myself out of his embrace. Being electric again made me feel weirdly normal. It was such a relief.

            “I’m - I’m better now.”

            “What the hell happened?”

            I put a hand to my forehead. My headache was dying down, and my veins along my arms were starting to glow again.

            “I don’t know. I mean, I know what was supposed to happen. Your mother is so sick. She’d wanted me to … harm her. You know?”

            “Yeah.” He chewed his lip. “On purpose.”

            “At first, I said no. I promised my brother I wouldn’t hurt anyone. But she insisted. So, I … I just put a hand on her, Adam. I didn’t even try to hurt her. I just put my hand on her! Next thing I know, this evil, awful feeling came over me. I can’t describe it. But then she’s trying to tell me she’s cured. What did I do to her?”

            “It’s not what you did to her. It’s what she did to you.”

            I groaned. “That’s not possible. She doesn’t have the electric powers I do. And you can’t be saying she took my energy from me?”

            “I’m honestly not sure what happened. But she did do something, and it really affected you.”

            “It affected her, too. She was so healed that she wanted me to do it again. One more touch, and she could be totally cured.”

            “But what would that do to you? She drained your powers enough as it is. Don’t go back to help her until you’ve recovered. All right?”

            I didn’t believe him. There’s no way Mrs. Damon could drain my powers. I refused to blame a poor, sick woman for my own monstrous abilities. Something just went wrong. Really wrong. Did my powers turn on me?

            “Fine. I won’t go back.” I inhaled a deep breath to draw the current up through every vein. “And no more experiments, either.”

            “We need to,” he insisted. “Especially after what just happened. This isn’t just about increasing or decreasing the voltage. You’ve got to learn to control it better. If I hadn’t been here, then …”

            His voice trailed off, fear flickering in his eyes. I probably would have died. I nearly did, and I still had no idea what really happened in that tower.

            “Do you have a sewing machine around here, by chance?”

            “Um, yeah. I can get one for you.” He cocked his head. “What are you thinking?”

            I smoothed my hands down my cloak. “I want to make some sort of protective clothing. For the next time I touch someone.”

            “Oh, I get it. Like a shield.”

            “Something like that.”

            He headed to the back of the laboratory. While he rummaged around amongst his stuff, I slowly got to my feet. I breathed deeply. Yes, the current was waking again. Stronger and stronger. It fizzled and crackled along my veins. The water I drank provided nourishing fuel for my inner fire. I felt so relieved. I’d thought my powers were gone, and then I had to live with that evil essence inside me forever …

            With a clunk, Adam set a heavy box on the table. “I found this.”

            He lifted the box, revealing a Singer sewing machine. He laid a handful of black fabric next to it.

            “I had an idea of what you can make.”

            “What’s that?”

            “A set of shirt and pants with specific energy channels, like exterior veins, to guide your inner electrical impulses efficiently.”

            His idea actually made sense. I nodded.

            “I’ll get to work on this tonight.”

            There was a knock at the door. He rolled his eyes.

            “Are we to be interrupted every hour we are here?” he complained before going over to answer it. It was Nurse Grindle yet again, but this time she didn’t stay long at all.

            While he was occupied, I noticed a full water tray sat on the laboratory table. There was no faster way to rekindle my powers back up to full strength than to immerse myself in water.

            “We’ve received an invitation.” Adam shut the laboratory door and came back to my side, holding an envelope. “You healed my mother enough for her to have dinner with us tonight. If you want to go, we can head over.”

            I unobtrusively moved closer towards the water tray. “I do want to go. The current is stronger, so I think I’ll be fine.”

            “It’s so odd. I can’t remember the last time I shared a meal with her. No doubt she’ll regale me with the grand tale of how you were the miracle cure she needed, while I’m the crazy scientist kid who did nothing but build useless machines. I tried to help her. I tried!”

            He put his hand up to his face, frustrated and upset. I crept right up to the water tray. I kept my eyes on him while I quickly removed both gloves. I wanted that full power again. Only then would I be able to stop him from harming anyone else.

            Right now, he wasn’t paying attention. It was my chance.

            With a deep breath, I suddenly plunged both bare hands into the water. Drops boiled on my two-hundred-degree skin. Abruptly awakened, the current hissed like an electric dragon. The force made my kneecaps and leg bones ring, and I ground my teeth in pain. A loud groan came from my throat.

            “Charlotte? What are you … ?” Suddenly Adam was at my side, shouting in my ear. “Stop! Stop this now! You can’t control it yet!”

            My lips vibrated against my teeth. “Adam, I can … Watch me …”

I’d completely drained the tray dry. Electric current pounded in every vein, in every artery. I lifted my soaking, scorched hands. Blue lightning erupted from my fingertips and arms. A dancing line of flames appeared on my bare skin, burning so brightly I lit up the entire laboratory. Adam’s hair started to fly from his head in a black halo. He abruptly took a step back.

            I held out my arms towards him, my fingers outstretched, the electric fire like a shield of death. The monster who made me. The monster I’d become! My eyes glowed with lightning. There was so much rage inside me, sick and trapped for so long. I wanted to destroy everyone who tried to help me.

            Adam took another step back, but he didn’t say anything. His eyes were blank and hollow, his mouth set in a grim line. He bumped into the table behind him, and he had nowhere to go.

            I came closer and closer. My hands were inches from him.

            He closed his eyes, and I planted my hands on his shoulders. At once, I felt his essence again. He poured his soul inside me. 

            But … wait a minute. I didn’t feel what I should have! No evil demonic energy, no black smoke slithering from him. He felt protective. Wait - this wasn’t like his mother! He wanted to help me, and I felt it. His kindness and his strength seeped up out of his body and mixed with my electric essence. He was giving freely of himself to me!

            Shocked, I lifted my hands. He hadn’t tried to stop me. He’d let me take what I wanted. Why … why did he do that?

            Drained right to the brink of death, he could no longer stand. He crumpled to his knees and slumped to the floor at my feet.

            I immediately crouched beside him and pulled his body over so he lay on his back. My fingers scorched his shirt where I touched him. His skin was a whitish gray, and his dark hair spread about his face in waves. He was so handsome, laying there.

            The blue fire on my fingers and arms died down, as my heart suddenly burst forth with pain and longing. Tears came to my eyes as I breathed in and out.

            “Adam … I thought you were the dangerous one. But you only want to help me, don’t you?”

            He lay in my arms, eyes closed, cheeks stretched white, his life energy drained out of him. He hurt Ella. It was his fault. He was the one to blame, wasn’t he? He was going to hurt so many more people, too.

            But I couldn’t deny what I felt from him. What I felt with him, too.

            With a tearful sigh, I gently put my fingertips on his cheek. I breathed up the current inside me. It traveled right up my body, down the length of my arm, and into my blackened hand. I breathed out, exhaling the current’s energy into his body. I returned my energy to him freely, as he gave me his own energy freely.

            Breathing in, I gathered up the current.

            Breathing out, I poured it into him.

            “Charlotte …,” he whispered.

            I smiled at him through my tears. He slowly opened his eyes, gazing up at me with calm devotion.

            “My electrical wonder,” he murmured. “You brought me back to life. I knew you could heal if you wanted to. I knew it.”

            I wrapped my scorched fingers around his hand and pulsed a stronger voltage into him. My touch warmed him, and his cheeks regained a healthy glow. His eyes cleared and his skin became supple and smooth. My electric current had revived him.

            At last, I let go of him. He put his hands up to his face and rubbed his eyes.

            “So, that’s what it’s like to be zapped by you at full power. I guess I don’t have to run any of those types of tests.”

            “How do you feel?”
           “You know how I feel. You’ve restored me to full health. Though I should be put out with you for harming me again, I was wrong. You’ve learned to control your powers. At least to some extent.”

            “Do you need help to get up?”

            “I’m fine, thank you. It’s a weird thing to say, but I can’t remember the last time I felt better.”

            He got up to his full height with no help, appearing clear-eyed and full of vitality. I picked up my gloves and put them on.

            “I’m ready to have dinner.”

            He stared at me for a second. Then he folded his arms over his chest and laughed.

            “What’s so funny?”

            “No, no, I’m not laughing at you.” He held up his hands. “It’s just that you both literally and figuratively shock me.”

            I was embarrassed. “Oh. Well, I would like to go eat. If that’s all right with you.”

            “Sure. Let me get my things.”

            He winked at me before heading over to the door for his coat. Behind his back, I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity. He shocked me, too, by showing me his real essence was nothing like his mother’s. Every time I touched someone, I pulled their life essence from them and felt who they truly were as a person. I peered past layers of skin and bone to the particles of their soul.

            I bit my lip, suddenly nervous. In just a few moments, I’d be back in Mrs. Damon’s presence again. Selfishness and twisted evil were what I’d felt in the tower. It was so monstrous. What if that’s who Mrs. Damon really was?

            Hopefully, I was wrong about his mother.

            Because if not, then I knew who the real monster was.

© 2024 by MEG NORTH

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